Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law School

How to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law SchoolHow to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law SchoolIts possible to become a practicing lawyer without going to law school in some states. Most lawyers do attend law school, but there are some advantages to avoiding it if you can manage it. Youll avoid the high cost of law school and perhaps gain more on-the-ground experience shadowing a working lawyer. The History of Law Schools and Lawyer Careers Working as an apprentice in a law office was how most people became lawyers in the United States centuries ago. The date of the first law school in the United States is debated, but the general consensus is that it was sometime during the late 1700s. We had lawyers before that time, however. Where Can You Become a Lawyer Without Law School? Pick your location carefully if you want to become a lawyer without going to law school. Only four states- California, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington- allow potential law students to skip law sc hool entirely. Three others- Maine, New York, and Wyoming- require some law school experience, but they allow an apprenticeship to substitute for one or two years of law school. Each states exact rules are different. In Virginia, for example, a legal apprentice cannot be paid by the supervising attorney. In Washington, they must be paid by the attorney. Requirements in Lieu of Law School An apprentice is typically required to work a certain number of hours in a law practice each week for a given number of weeks. Some hours must be spent under the direct supervision of an attorney, and a certain number of study hours are also required. The mentoring attorney must meet a minimum level of experience in all states, ranging from three years in Vermont to 10 years in Virginia and Washington. Legal apprentices in California are required to reisepass the First-Year Law Students Examination, or Baby Bar, to continue with their studies and sit for the actual bar exam. This exam is quite d ifficult, has a very low pass rate, and is a formidable obstacle. The Advantages of Skipping Law School The most obvious benefit of becoming a lawyer through a legal apprentice program is avoiding the high cost of a traditional legal education, which most students finance with student loans. Of course, some of this cost can be offset via law school scholarships, but the harsh reality is that many law students graduate with more debt than they can comfortably pay back. This can limit their career options. Other potential benefits include learning law in the community instead of going away to school. Given that rural areas tend to face a shortage of lawyers, setting up apprentice programs in these locations can be a good way to keep ambitious local students in the community and working on local legal needs. Finally, its indisputable that the average legal apprentice will have more hands-on experience than most new law school graduates. At most, the average law grad has done one cl inic and perhaps a handful of summer jobs, internships, or externships. Most of a students time is taken up with classes, particularly in the first two years. The Disadvantages of Skipping School Its critical to decide where you want to live long term before entering an apprenticeship program because you probably wont be admitted to practice in any other state. And potential clients and employers might be reluctant to hire anyone who didnt go to law school simply because its so unusual. Finally, the reality is that its hard to pass the bar exam without at least some law school experience. Although not impossible, the pass rates are low. Its risky to spend years as a legal apprentice if you never manage to pass the bar exam. In fairness, however, this is also an issue faced by students of non-ABA-accredited law schools and even some ABA-accredited ones.

Monday, December 23, 2019

10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation

10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation Should I tell them my salary range? Do I want too much? Am I undervalued? Will the recruiter try to lowball me? Do my colleagues earn more than me?These are the questions that may be running through your mind when you think about negotiating your salary for a new job. However, theres no need to rack your brain for answers to these questions. Glassdoor is here to help.Here are the dos and donts of salary negotiations.Bookmark this page.As part of the Glassdoor surveys , employed men and women were asked how confident they were about receiving a pay raise or cost-of-living increase. Almost always, men have shown greater confidence than women that they will get the increase. In fact, data shows men have been consistently about 6 percent more confident than women over the last seven years.However, confidence might be one key to closing the gender pay gap . Glassdoors recent gender pay gap report show s that there is an unadjusted pay gap between men and women of 24.1%, meaning women earn about $0.76 for every $1 a man earns. However, when we control for variables such as age, education, experience,occupation, industry, location, year, specific company and job title, the adjusted gender pay gap shrinks to 5.4%. Armed with a healthy dose of confidence, you can get the salary you deserve.Advice-seeking is a powerful way to have influence without authority, says Adam Grant, aprofessor at Wharton School of Business and the author of Give and Take .If youre worried about manipulation, I have some good news it doesnt work if its not authentic. In the best case scenario, the contact will take the initiative to advocate for you directly. Failing that, youll gain some valuable advice about who to approach and how to make your case, as well as some possible history on precedents for negotiating in your role.Thisrequires no hardball negotiating and keeps your integrity intact, insists G rant. If you are deciding between two companies and offers, be honest. All you need to do is share the terms of the competing offer, and say, Id rather come here. Is there anything you can do to make this an easier decision for me? More often than not, the answer is yes.Take notes during negotiations, advises the LDS Employment Resource Services. Notes will help all parties recall what has already been discussed or decided. Be sure to get all offers in writing. Then, make sure to, Paraphrase to ensure understanding. Restate in your own words what the other person has said to make sure you understand correctly.A thank you note is an important follow-up after a face-to-face meeting, says career expert and writer Eileen Meyer. In addition to being a polite acknowledgment to those who met with you (whether your manager or an HR team member), a thank you note also gives you one more opportunity to remind them what a stellar employee they have in you.At some point, nearly every emplo yer will ask what salary range youre looking for and this could happen as soon as their very first phone call to you, says Alison Green, author of How to Get a Job Secrets of a Hiring Manager . You want to be prepared for this in advance, because if youre caught off-guard, you risk low-balling yourself or otherwise saying something that will harm you in negotiations later. Be sure to do your homework ahead of time so that youre ready with an answer when the question comes up.Job seekers sometimes claim that theyre currently earning more than they really are, figuring that will help them get a higher offer from a new employer. But this can backfire because plenty of employers verify salary history, either by asking to see a recent pay stub or W-2, or by checking with the previous employer directly, insists Green. And even worse, its common to do this after youve already accepted a job offer, which means that you risk having the offer pulled over the lie, even after youve already accepted it and resigned your previous job.In response to an offer, restate the offer, sit quietly, and silently count to 10. Allow everyone time to consider. This technique may also prompt the employer to justify the offer, which could continue the negotiation process, or it could lead to a better offer, advises LDS ERS. When a final offer is extended, if it is not enough, thank the employer, provide a power statement that emphasizes your value, and ask for time to consider the offer.Be confident in what youre requesting, but understand that a negotiation is just that- a conversation, not a dictation. Listen to what the other side has to say and take it into consideration when offering up numbers, says career expert and experienced hiring manager Heather Huhman. Money is a sensitive subject for most people, but you should never let a company have full control over your worth. Be both knowledgeable and understanding when discussing a salary negotiation. If the negotiation didnt fall in your favor, always factor in how much joy the position will bring you- because money isnt everything. Over-apologizing is a major turnoff and makes you appear anxious, fearful, and unsure, insists Huhman. When you make small mistakes or express an opinion, dont say sorry. Thats not to say you should ignore personal accountability. Certain situations do indeed warrant an apology. However, dont go overboard in negotiations.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Top 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid Them

Top 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid ThemTop 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid ThemOne of the benefits of a healthy social media presence is that there is never a lack of friends willing to correct even the most minor of grammar mistakes. Sure, we know the difference between there and their and your and youre, but theres only so much you can do when auto correct and those tiny little on-screen keyboards seem intent on tripping you up.When it comes to your professional resume, however, theres no excuse for poor grammar. In a competitive job market, too many grammatical mistakes can mean the difference between scoring an interview and seeing your resume end up in the circular filing bin known as the trashcan. While word processing programs have certainly come a long way, nothing beats good ole knowledge. With that in mind, here are the top 7 grammar mistakes we see in resumes, and tips on how to avoid them. 1) Improper TenseHarkening back to the days when your hi gh school English teacher would splash red ink across your meticulously prepared research paper, the use of improper tense is more than just a literary faux pas on a resume. Tense conveys a sense of time. When describing duties performed in your prior positions, misuse of tense will stick out like a sore thumb and kompetenzprofilly cause confusion about what you did where.The Fix Pick a tense to use on your resume (typically past) and stick with it throughout. Even when speaking about your current position, be sure to use the past tense for consistency and to help avoid the urge to change things up. Performed tasks should be used over performs tasks and similar phrasing.2) Date Format Consistency We mentioned your resume is all about dates and times already, right? Well, this is another area where making a mistake is going to make your resume seem less than professional. All date formats included in your job history should be consistent in their formatting. The actual format doesnt really matter, as long as its easy to read and understand, so pick a format and stick with it. Common examples includeMarch 2016 to March 20173/20163/2017Mar. 2016 to Mar. 2017March 201617March 20162017What to do Picking and sticking with one format is easier than ever in modern word processing programs. Simply select your default date format from the appropriate menu and let the autoformat feature do the rest. 3) Capitalization Capitalization is perhaps the bane of many forms of writing so its no wonder this problem child makes an appearance as a common resume formatting error. Remember those proper nouns, first words and places all need capitalization. In addition, headings should receive the saatkorn type of capitalization as book titles, with each active word getting the upper case treatment.Helpful Tip Remember that company and organization names will all need capitalization, regardless of their location in a sentence. Your auto-correct feature will be helpful here, but special diligence is still needed to ensure perfection.4) Justification and Returns This common area could also fall under the category of formatting. Inconsistent justification and returns, or tabs and margins for the youngins amongst our readers, is easily seen before a reviewer even begins to process the content of a resume. Mistakes in this area can also be damaging as breaking up job experience or extra indentation may prove confusing for those used to following information based on the proper layout.How to correct Instead of opting for fancy formatting, keep things simple. Begin all paragraphs or descriptions at your left margin. Be consistent with heading placement and use the rulers and guides available in most word processing programs to help things out. 5) Punctuation Mistakes Another common stumbling block, regardless of your level of resume-writing knowledge. Punctuation is the minds equivalent of breaths, pauses, and inflection. Using this improperly can turn a great resume in to one that appears childish. Commas, hyphens, and colons will be plentiful in your resume.The fix There are a host of grammar editors available that also help out in the punctuation department, but this one will, unfortunately, be mostly a manual task. Ensure consistency and placement and watch out for that Oxford comma. Use of the device is hotly debated, but whichever your preference, stick with it for consistencies sake.6) Misspellings Perhaps the most embarrassing grammar mistake on our list of items to watch for, spelling can lead to a unique brand of resume mistakes. Misspelled words come off as unprofessional and make the writer appear less than educated in the basics of writing which is an essential skill, regardless of industry or experience level. Handy hints Automatic spell checkers are pretty useful tools for catching spelling eros, but they arent infallible. As our example shows, correctly spelled words wont be caught up in the suggested corrections, even if they happe n to be the completely wrong choice for the scenario.used incorrectly. While spell checkers are definitely a first line of defense, dont discount the value of an old fashioned proofreading.7) State AbbreviationsMaybe one of the more overlooked grammatical errors, misusing state abbreviations can leave you appearing a bit uneducated in the geography department. You got that fancy degree in Maine, right? So thats MA, or maybe MN, MI, or possibly ME? Given that best practices are to include abbreviations any time you list a location, its important to get this one right to pass on accurate information to the potential employer. Whats the Fix State abbreviations are easy to look up. If you arent absolutely certain, a quick internet search is your best friend.Have any other grammatical tips or pet peeves to share with resume writers? Be sure to leave us a comment

Friday, December 13, 2019

How To Handle The Five Killer Telephone Interview Questions

How To Handle The Five Killer Telephone Interview QuestionsHow To Handle The Five Killer Telephone Interview QuestionsYouve submitted a resume, made it through an initial questionnaire and have managed to stand out from the stack of dozens of other qualified applicants to make it to the all important screening einstellungsgesprch. While it may be limited in its duration and scope, the initial phone conversation or interview can make or break your chances at landing the career of your dreams. The questions will be broad and generic, but that doesnt mean you can phone it in. Read on for tips and tricks that will have you nailing the five most commonly asked telephone interview questions and up your chances for moving on to the main interview event.1.So, tell me a little about yourselfHas there ever been a more horrifyingly open-ended question, whether on a first date or phone interview, then the vague but conversation-sparking invitation to wax on about your best qualities? Instead of approaching this posit with dread, take it as a golden opportunity to pitch your best self. Provide a brief employment history, work in a few accomplishments that fit the specific job youre applying for and end with a tie into why youre interested in the current lage to really wow them.2. Can we talk about your experience?Another humdinger of a leading question, your interviewer has some knowledge of your qualifications and skills from the resume or you wouldnt have gotten a callback in the first place. Preparation is the key here. Whether a phone screening or a final round interview, spend some time reviewing the job listing and strategizing ways in which your prior experience would make you a good fit. Work these in, briefly, to the phone interview to show the person on the other end of the line that youve done your job-hunting homework.3. Tell me your strengthsWhile you may be tempted to use this opportunity to wax on over your ability to organize a kids soccer team or bench pres s ersatzdarsteller your bodyweight in the gym, unless the position is head of the PTA or a personal trainer to the stars, keep the discussion about what you do well on point to the job at hand. This may require you to analyze the soft skills or personality based traits required of your new position. Come up with a few of these ahead of time and youll be ace-ing this question like a pro.4. And now your weaknessesIf ever there was a time for a canned answer, this is it. It takes a certain type of skill to turn a question about a negative into a positive trait, but with a little creativity, we have faith you can knock it out of the park. Personality skills that have an underlying positive bent, such as doggedness, need for diversity in your work and sometimes analyzing issues too closely, are all moldable skills that a good manager or HR representative will see as assets given the right work environment.5. What is your requested salary?Weve certainly saved the best for last when it com es to tough initial screening questions. However, a frank discussion of salary requirements is essential to ensuring you and your future employer are on the right financial page. If youre uncomfortable with setting a hard number, try giving a range based on research from online salary calculators or your industry or networking experiences. If its a position youre very interested, dont be afraid to include the fact that youre willing to negotiate these requirements for the perfect opportunity to build a long-term career.As with your in person interviews, telephone screenings provide a great opportunity to make a strong first impression. They may be brief in time and scope, but nailing them puts you one step closer to landing that gig and also provides invaluable experience that will help you prepare for future rounds of interviews.Updated from the original on August 22, 2017

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Top Secret Details Regarding Types of Resum That Many People are not Aware Of

The Top Secret Details Regarding Types of Resum That Many People are not Aware Of Again, you would like to make sure that your resume is readable. The real key to the effectivity of this specific format is its emphasis on the abilities and abilities of the applicant as opposed to the applicants employment history. Chronological resumes have a small trouble organizing diverse abilities and experience. At the peak of the resume is a list of somebodys skills and qualifications. Such candidates could be deserving, and might build a thriving career given an opportunity. Therefore, its not appropriate for you if youd like to exhibit all of your knowledge, skill and experience to the employer whilst putting in an application for work that wants all your prior data in detail. On the contrary, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the prerequisites of the job for which youre applying. It is crucial to understand what skills and abilities a prospective employer is search ing for in their applicants. The Unexpected Truth About Types of Resum Not only are you going to look bad, but it will haunt you down the line with other future prospective employers. The medical industry can be quite competitive. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the very same skills. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. It is by far the most common and the conventional kind of resume most applicants use. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They tend to be very important, and essential, when an applicant appears for a job interview, or applies for a particular post. If you dont have any particular objective or should you not wish to turn in an application for any specific job, the Inventory resume is great for you. It is es sential that the essential information ought to be shown in the right fashion, which can enable the employer to correctly assess the applicant. Attempt to compose a targeted resume for every single job. Dont hesitate to share it or utilize it upon your website. Types of Resum Fundamentals Explained Perfect for candidates that are focused and want to find more progression in similar regions of profession. Thus, when deciding which kind of resume to use, you must think about your present circumstances. There are some common forms of resumes, and were likely to evaluate when (or if) you ought to use every one of them. Begin this form of resume off with your latest work position. The very first thing you ought to do is make sure a prospective employer knows whose resume theyre taking a look at In addition, you need a great deal of creativity to address complex difficulties. By way of example, say youre applying for the job of dump truck driver. Too many individuals make the err or of thinking that a resumes purpose is to receive them a job. The Little-Known Secrets to Types of Resum Each step is critical, but the order in which you approach them can significantly raise your efficiency and the standard of your final item. The area of information technology grows more important each and every day. It also has a concise collection of experience, and a thorough collection of skills. Functional resumes are perfect for men and women who dont have a great deal of work experience regarding the job they are applying for. What Does Types of Resum Mean? When ranking the best sort of format, the combination format sits at the peak of the ladder. If you wish to learn more about resume formats, take a look at our basic resume format templates. Every format has a particular intent. As such choosing the suitable format is extremely essential. A chronological resume is often the preferred format for the majority of employers only because it is by far the most com mon and, consequently, the most recognizable. Just make sure, whichever format you pick, which youre targeting it for the job which youre applying to. Nontraditional resumes are perfect for men and women in creative fields, who would like to demonstrate their capacity to create visually engaging designs or to make web pages. This format is easily the most efficient format to be employed by those applicants whose job history has questionable lapses.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

How to Find How Is Monsters Resume Writing Service on the Web

How to Find How Is Monsters Resume Writing Service on the Web Its possible to even examine some of the samples of several types of resumes for various kinds of careers. When reviewing their previous products, ensure youre seeing demonstrations of their capacity to craft certain resumes for certain people and careers. Some resume writing tafelgeschirrs may not provide a refund should you not get the wanted results youve been promised. Not all resumes are proper for all sorts of jobs. If your field is extremely uncommon or youve got an extremely high-profile resume then you must hunt for a resume writing service that has people experience in writing with such type of resumes. When trying to find the ideal resume writing service for your requirements, its firstly vital that you research into what each service may give you and the way the conditions of your agreement will do the job. You may seek the advice of a federal resume writing service to boost your federal resume.Resume Writing Categories When you look at resume services, you are going to observe that they are available in several distinct categories and youre going to want to select the right sort for your job search requirements. In addition, the website is simple to navigate. One of the very best looking resumes are the ones which are definitely the most simple. You anticipate a global job search. How Is Monsters Resume Writing Service the Ultimate Convenience In any event, you should aim to get a resume that will have the ability to represent you well. If youre thinking about using a professional resume writing service, you might be wondering if the price would be worth the benefit. People meeting you for the very first time will make some form of judgment based upon your look, the conditions of meeting and more. Believe it or not, you may not qualify as the ideal person to compose your resume. The Pain of How Is Monsters Resume Writing Service Resume writing services often provide a whole package strategy to resume writing. If youre a highly desired individual, you might wind up in several interviews in a very brief time period. You may also view a resume sample on the world wide web to find a notion of a professionally written resume. Drafting a resume which will truly make you distinguish yourself from the rest is no simple undertaking and with a huge amount of resume examples on the internet, we can run the chance of adding too much, too little or merely sending out carbon copy resumes which are dull and at times too simplistic.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Compliance Officer Salaries

Compliance Officer SalariesCompliance Officer SalariesCompliance officer candidates are in high demand, and with regulations constantly changing or being introduced and companies competing for talent and expertise, its likely the trend will continue. Demand is driving einhaltung officer salaries upward in a variety of industries, from the legal field and healthcare to finance and accounting.And that trend doesnt show any signs of letting up.Benchmarks for compliance officer salariesAccording to the 2019 Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance Professionals, the midpoint salary for a compliance officer is $102,750.At the midpoint, candidates have average experience with the necessary skills to meet the job requirements. The salaries listed in the Salary Guide reflect starting pay only and are based on actual placements throughout the United States, as well as an analysis of the market conditions.The Salary Guide also shows the zentralwert salary for a compliance analyst, which is $77, 000 in 2019.Theres potential for advancement and promotion with a career in compliance. A compliance director can expect a median salary of $138,500 in 2019, and for a chief compliance officer, the projected median salary is $169,250. Duties and expectationsA compliance officer is expected to ensure a companys processes follow internal policies and government regulations, the latter of which are constantly changing and evolving. Other duties often include assessing financial risk and coming up with preventative measures or solutions to handle potential issues. Compliance officers also provide regular reports on the effectiveness of these measures and advise company executives on any action or changes that should be implemented.Professional experience and skillsEducation requirements may vary, though typically a compliance officer is expected to hold a bachelors degree in finance, economics or a similar f ield. Obtaining a masters degree may also help those wishing to progress into a chief compliance officer position. Additionally, compliance officers are often required to maintain certification and regular retraining in the sector in which they work.Compliance officers should have strong leadership and communications skills, including superb analytical abilities, as they are frequently expected to assess their organizations processes. Perhaps most importantly, compliance officers should be highly ethical, as they help their companies prepare to meet the growing burden of regulatory compliance.Now that you know more about compliance officer salaries, duties and expectations, why wait? Start your job search for compliance officers now.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at Work

15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at Work15 Tips for Successful Disagreement at WorkDisagreement can happen in any setting. You can disagree with your neighbor in cubicleville. You can disagree with your boss or initiate a discussion with a coworker over lunch. But, many disagreements occur during meetings- or they should. The reason organizations hold meetings is so that employees can engage each other in discussion. Otherwise, why hold a meeting? Meetings are for discussion, decisions, and commitments. If you dont state your opinion, whether you agree or disagree, you are not part of the discussion. You have no reason to attend the meeting or participate on the team if you are unwilling to discuss your opinions and agree or disagree with the opinions of your fellow attendees. If youre afraid to disagree with your boss, why does he or she need you? To do what youre told? To work on tasks and action items? Or, to think, innovate, plan, and disagree? In fact, healthy disagreement is one of the hallmarks of a successful team. When constructive discussion and disagreement is absent, and apathy is the norm, you have a dysfunctional team or meeting. Keeping all of this in mind plus the discussion about workplace culture that welches discussed in an earlier article about ?how to disagree, here are the fifteen best tips for successful disagreement. Tips for Successful Disagreement With a Colleague 1. Pick your battles wisely. If you disagree about everything, your coworkers will see you as argumentative and disagreeable. Youll develop the reputation of always disagreeing, and your reasonable disagreement will be viewed as same old, same old. So, plek areas that affect outcomes and that are substantial, meaningful, and important. 2. Dont hold a conflict when youre angry, emotional, or upset. You dont want your emotions to affect your professionalism, arguments or data presentation. Above all, you dont want your emotions to cause you to attack, name-call, or demea n your coworkers. When speaking, at any point in a disagreement, stay calm. Your successful disagreement depends on it. 3. Disagreement should not be personal. You do not disagree with your coworker because there is something wrong with her or you dont like her. You are disagreeing based on facts, experience, intuition, prior team successes and failures, your coworkers track record on similar projects, and your organizations culture. Keep the discussion impersonal by not you-ing your colleague as in you just dont understand the ramifications of what youre suggesting. No personal attacks allowed. 4. You want to validate your coworkers opinion. Identify the components with which you agree and acknowledge that you can understand or see why she might feel the way she does. Open your disagreement by repeating what the other party said rather than launching into your areas of disagreement first. Help the person feel as if he was listened to, heard out, and understood. 5. Maintain your pro fessionalism. Be respectful of your coworkers. Disagreement can be cordial, yet candid and effective. Dont try to manipulate the situation as one former coworker did- She cried. Another was always on the attack. He saved up his ammunition and hit his coworkers with everything he had in his arsenal on occasion. Neither employee was successful, and their professional reputations suffered. 6. Understand what your coworker needs, fears, and hopes to obtain from the solution. If you identify what is at stake in the issue, the problem solving, the recommendation, or project, you are more likely to connect with your coworker to successfully disagree.Ask questions like these Whats your real concern about the project? Whats bothering you about this current solution? What has to occur for you to comfortably support a solution? Are you comfortable with any aspects of my suggestion? 7. Only speak for yourself. In a small company, freelance writers interact on a forum. Members were regularly ann oyed by one colleague who posts frequently. It took a while to figure out the problem with this particular persons posts, but her fatal action is that she consistently tries to speak for all of the freelancers. She uses statements like We all feel this way. This is the change wed all like to see. When coworkers speak this way, they think that they are putting weight behind their thoughts but all it does usually is make people angry. Or, in the case of a coworker, the individual might see it as ganging up on her. Your coworker may also become distracted from the actual topic of the discussion as she pursues asking about who we is. So, using the word we or any equivalent is unlikely to help with your disagreement. 8. Step back from your job and how you perform a particular activity. To effectively disagree, you must be able to look at the situation from your coworkers functional point of view. The further up the organizations hierarchy your job is, the more important it becomes to loo k at each issue from a total organizational view. You must be open to new ideas and different ways of approaching problems. Why is your way the best way when other ways to obtain the same, or even better result, exist? In organizations, employees who can think about optimizing for the whole organization are the people who are promoted. 9. Avoid interrogating your coworker. Asking questions to understand your coworkers viewpoint is appropriate. Throwing out an unending stream of questions to trip him up, confuse the issue, make him look silly or uninformed is not. It is also insulting and childish. 10. State the facts (if you have any) and share your knowledge. You can bring your experience, expertise, knowledge, and any data that you have that might support a direction to the table. You may talk about them to move your team forward. But, the opposite must be avoided.Just because something was tried, and didnt work in the past, doesnt mean that it wont this time. The problem is diffe rent. The players are different. Even the will to make the solution work may have changed. 11. Speak to common interests and needs. Just as you started out the discussion by identifying what you and your coworker agree on, focus your discussion on shared interests and desired outcomes. If your coworker thinks that the two of you are headed in the same direction or have a shared outcome in mind, disagreement about how to get there is less scary and contentious. 12. Listen to try to see your coworkers point of view. In a successful disagreement setting, both coworkers can state clearly the other partys position on the issue. If you cant, examine your listening. Use the technique of feeding back to your colleague what you believe he said. For example, say, John, I believe that your position is this ___. That tells your colleague that you are listening to what he has to say. People waste a lot of time in arguments that could have been avoided if they just understood the other persons po sition better. They argue over ostensible disagreements and details. 13. Avoid putting down your coworkers beliefs, interests, and ideas. You can have a disagreement with coworkers without making them feel like what they value or think is wrong. In fact, check your judgmental self at the door when you attend a meeting. Showing disrespect for a colleagues ideas or position is inappropriate anywhere but especially at work. Making fun of them is even worse. Be careful of gentle teasing, too. Many of your coworkers were raised by mothers who taught them that behind every bit of teasing is a grain of truth. 14. The goal is not to win but to clear the air in any disagreement at work. You want to know that the issues have been carefully discussed and thought about deeply. You want to make sure that your relationship with your colleague is intact.If you win, you also lose, because your co-worker lost. That loss will hang heavy in your relationship, and it will affect your ability to disagr ee in the future. It is also important that your coworker and you are clear about your areas of agreement and disagreement. 15. Compromise when necessary. You may not agree on everything, but dont let that fact keep you from reaching a general agreement on a direction or a solution. In an organization, you cant freeze in place and do nothing just because you havent found a perfect solution that all parties own. You will need to agree to disagree on aspects of the solution or problem-solving. In a compromise, you need to make sure that the conceded items are ones that you can live with following the meeting. At the same time, you want to avoid consensus decision making in which the lowest common denominator determines the course of action. Consensus decision making can cause low-quality decisions and solutions as a team struggles to come up with a solution that is acceptable to all. Disagreement can be difficult, and many people find it scary. But, if you practice these fifteen appro aches to conflict, youll find that most of what you worry about wont happen. The majority of your coworkers want to reach agreement on solutions and solve problems. They want to maintain positive relationships with their coworkers. They want to be thought of favorably, and they seek a seat on the list of good employees. The key to conflict and disagreement is that following all of the talking all players must support and own the decisions reached. It is injurious to your organization to have employees pulling in different directions, second-guessing decisions, and sending mixed messages to coworkers and customers. This is not to suggest that you cant relook at decisions as time and experience bring you more information. But to start, your job is to make the current decisions work.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psychological tricks to make life more enjoyable

Psychological tricks to make life more enjoyablePsychological tricks to make life more enjoyableIt happens fast. You crack open a bottle of your favorite drink and put it to your lips. The delicious flavor is nearly overwhelming. But a minute later, youre barely noticing the taste as you drink it.close dialog Advertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012257 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012257 bx-creative-1012257 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that welches not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparentborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx -group-1012257-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay blockwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)Or you buy a new car and think it will make you smile every time you drive it for years. But a month later, that sensation is gone. Now its just a car.This satiation, known as hedonic adaptation, occurs for nearly everything that makes us happy. Look around and think of how much you initially enjoyed the things that surround you. Then think about how much you enjoy them today.Wouldnt it be great to get some of that initial enjoyment back?In a series of studies soon to be published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, we found that consuming things in unconventional ways enhances enjoyment of them.This is where chopsticks come in.The art of paying att entionIn one study, we asked 68 participants to eat some puffmais. While half were told to eat the normal way, one kernel at a time, the rest used chopsticks. We found that those who ate with chopsticks enjoyed the popcorn a lot more than the others, even though both groups were told to eat at the saatkorn slow pace.This is because of something well-known to psychologists When something seems new, people pay more attention to it. And when people pay more attention to something enjoyable, they tend to enjoy it more.This is why many people seek so much variety in what they consume. We buy something and use it for a while until it becomes familiar and mundane, then we buy something else thinking it will make us happy. Unfortunately, this replacement is costly, and, in cases such as houses and spouses, sometimes a very extreme option in response to unavoidable familiarity.Our research suggests another option Instead of replacing something once you get sick of it, try consuming it or int eracting with it in unconventional ways.In another experiment, we studied 300 people as they consumed water.First, we asked participants to come up with their own unconventional ways to consume water. Their responses ranged from drinking out of a martini glass or travel mug to lapping it up like a cat. One even suggested drinking water out of a shipping envelope.They were then told to take five sips of water and rate their enjoyment after each drink. A third did so in the normal way, another third sipped using one of their own randomly chosen unconventional methods over and over and the rest used a different unconventional method for each sip.We found that people who drank water in a different way every time enjoyed their water the most with even bigger boosts toward the end of the taste test. In other words, their enjoyment did not decline over time. While everyone else enjoyed the water less for each sip, those who drank it in different ways did not show this usual pattern of dec lining enjoyment.This presents a rare solution to the nearly universal phenomenon of satiation, or the declining enjoyment that comes with familiarity. As long as you can find new and interesting ways to interact with something, you may never grow tired of it.Business opportunitiesThis idea isnt entirely novel, of course. Many companies are already taking advantage of this concept to provide more enjoyable experiences for customers.Restaurants exist where diners eat while lying in beds, while hovering in the sky and off of naked models. There is even a restaurant where diners eat naked.The Reddit page WeWantPlates presents a rich catalog of the many creative and confusing ways that restaurants serve their customers food, from nachos in a sink to ravioli on a washing line.While there is no limit to the different ways to present the same old thing, at some point the novelty usually wears off. Our research suggests this is a missed opportunity for businesses to offer more variety in ho w a single food is consumed.For example, when people eat a few slices of pizza at a restaurant, they typically consume them all in the same way. Its a problem if people enjoy their last slice less because of satiation, because our memory for experiences is shaped heavily by what happened at the end.Rather than turning off all the lights to make dining more enjoyable, as in the dark-dining trend, pizza parlors could encourage their customers to eat each slice in a different way, such as normally, folded in half, backwards, with a fork and knife, with chopsticks or while blindfolded. If they did, we believe they would likely find that their customers enjoy their last slice as much as the first.The bottom line is that variety is the spice of life, not just in what we do but also how we do it. Knowing this can help both businesses and customers maximize enjoyment.Robert W. Smith, Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Ohio State University and Ed OBrien, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science, University of ChicagoThis article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.